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Latino Geriatric Center

Welcome to the UCC Latino Geriatric Center!

The Latino Geriatric Center is an innovative facility that provides comprehensive and customized services to elderly individuals with physical impediments, Alzheimer's disease, and other dementias. The expansive facility is uniquely designed to provide daily care to the Latino elders of Milwaukee County and employs bilingual and culturally competent staff. The Latino Geriatric Center also provides screenings and evaluations for memory loss in the Memory Clinic.

The center supports primary physicians through diagnostic consultation (English and Spanish), as well as offering programs for families and caregivers, including trainings and support groups. 

For more information about the Latino Geriatric Center, please contact the Program Director Agnes Rodriguez by phone at (414) 384-3100, ext. 4734 or email Agnes. Please call (414) 389-4734 to schedule an intake consultation meeting.


United Community Center
1028 S. 9th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53204

Services Offered

Memory Clinic

Adult Day Center

Referrals to additional resources



The culmination of more than four years of coordinated planning and assessment, the Latino Geriatric Center opened its doors in January 2007. A collaborative effort involving the medical, nonprofit, and academic communities, the center brings together multiple partners to provide early detection and treatment of Alzheimer's disease in an underserved population.
