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Shaba Martinez, Chief Academic Officer

Shaba Martinez serves as Chief Academics Officer at the United Community Center, overseeing curriculum, instruction, assessment, instructional technology, communication, and school operations across UCC’s K-8 schools. Working alongside a team of experienced and talented school principals, Shaba provides strategic guidance and oversight of all academic programming.

In 2010, Shaba began her professional career at UCC as a 7th and 8th grade social studies teacher, and has also served as a 5th grade classroom teacher, math interventionist, Library Media Specialist, Digital Learning Specialist, and Instructional Technology Specialist. This diverse experience has equipped her with a comprehensive understanding of how schools can leverage technology, curriculum, instructional strategies, and professional development to foster the success of students, staff, and a school community. In 2020, Shaba successfully transitioned 250 staff and 1,800 students to digital learning, providing ongoing training and support to students, families, and teachers, and converted all curriculum to virtual platforms to allow high quality instruction to continue in a fully virtual, and later hybrid model during the pandemic.

Shaba has a B.S. from UW-Madison in Elementary Education and Spanish, a M.A. in School Leadership & Administration from Alverno College, and an M.S. from UW-Whitewater in Information, Technology, & Libraries. She has lifetime licenses as a teacher, library media specialist, principal, director of instruction, as well as a superintendent license.

Committed to providing an exceptional quality education for all students, Shaba’s greatest pride is leading a school system where her own son has the opportunity to learn and thrive.